Now in his mid-40s, Stan Efferding knows how to beast the weights and look the part. Here are his top tips for extending your strongman prime.
3 Keys To Lifelong Strength Gain .
Listen…when it comes to getting stronger, it’s really not that complicated. And contrary to what you may think, it’s not just about adding weight to the bar each week. Here are some of the simple strategies I’ve put to work for myself over the years that can keep the strength gains coming for years to come.
1- Conserve
Don't max out every week. You need to stimulate muscle growth with some hypertrophy training, which I do with sets of five and I only start hitting heavy doubles as I'm peaking for a meet. Save the maxes for the platform!
2. Don't Chase The Pump
Pumps are for bodybuilders. So if you’re just trying to get big and lean, then you should with shorter rest periods to keep blood in those muscles. Powerlifters need longer rests between sets to allow the blood and waste products to dissipate. Between sets of 800-plus pound squats or deadlifts, I'll take up to 10 minutes of rest.
3. Big Lifts Are Central
I can build an entire workout around one or two really heavy sets. Everything else is just a warm up. Repetitions just lead to repetitive strain and tendonitis so I keep my volume to a minimum and I don't do a bunch of ancillary work after major multi-joint mass- or strength-building movements. Doesn't make much sense to do cable crossovers or pressdowns after benching 500 pounds for reps.